I loved this, Kate. Made me think of this time I hiked 13 miles across the Haleakala crater on Maui while I was 5 months pregnant with my son. It’s a mile down, nine miles across, and three miles of switchbacks with a crazy ascent at the end. I wasn’t visibly pregnant at the beginning of the hike, but my belly had “popped” by the end. I have before and after pics somewhere 🤣 I can’t wait for your next installments. I can feel the awe pouring through your words. And your sister sounds like the best ever 🤍

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What a rich post on a rich trip. Your description of the and more up and more up to me back to some grueling hikes I’ve endured. I love how you brought to life the old woman and the Peruvian landscape and the bond sisterhood.

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Thank you so much 🙏🏼

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Sep 9Liked by Kate Mapother

Incredible Kate! Thank you for bringing us with you on the journey. 🥰

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Thanks friend! ❤️

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Beautiful writing. Thank you. Peace.

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Thank you for reading it!

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Sep 8Liked by Kate Mapother

This hit the feels for me in many ways, some familiar and some heartbreaking. You see, I can relate to your sister being the glue that’s held you together, much as mine has been my entire life. I can also relate to the countless hiking trips we’ve taken in countless state and national parks. How she would always push me and I would half jokingly tell her that she would be the one to die on Everest because she always hungered for more horizons beyond the next bend. I can relate to planning for countless trips, how one of them more than likely led to the end of my first marriage because we were planning our first out of state trip to Colorado, and I had to fight tooth and nail to go. I can relate to so much of what you have written and can revel vicariously through the wonders you saw around every curve in the trail. But your story is bittersweet for me. You see, two years ago my wonderful, strong, beautiful, sweet and generous sister lost her legs in a tragic accident involving my father who would contract and succumb to leukemia less than a year later. She was only a month short of retiring. And although she has had to fight like hell for the prosthetics that will return her to some form of active life, she will probably never be able to do the trips we could only dream about. To say that it has been crushing would be an understatement. So, yes, be grateful for the wonders and strength of your body and for the marvelous memories you have created and shared with your sister. Hold them tight. And thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your experience. This hiker appreciates it more than you will ever know 💜

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Wow, I am so sorry to hear of your sister’s accident. I hope in some small way you’re both able to experience this hike through these words. Thank you for reading them and sharing. I really appreciate it. 🤍

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Thank you 🙏

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Sep 8Liked by Kate Mapother

Epic and intrepid, Kate! Including the size of those mosquito bites (ouch). Peru looks and sounds stunning.

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Thanks so much for reading it!

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Sep 8Liked by Kate Mapother

AMAZING! Thank you to you and your sister. Your sister for providing you opportunity, love and support for incredible adventure. I read several times for different reasons. You are gifted writer and I have shared with friends who will certainly be able to identify a bit with this type of grueling hiking!

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Thank you for reading and sharing!! I appreciate you!

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Kate, thank you thank you thank! I love reading about your trip, and can't wait for more. I'm also forwarding to my grandson who is in the Peace Corp in Tanzania. He's a lifelong adventurer and I think will enjoy this. Hugs to you and your sissy!

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Aw thanks Elaine!! ❤️

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Thanks for reading it Ally! And text those pics lol

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Thank you for the inspiration to write down the events of my day. As I read your story I wish I had written down every tale in my life as a flight attendant but if I pass up writing down my days now as a stay-at-home mom, I’m sure I’ll wish the same.

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